Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Its been a while.......over a year is out of the boundries of a "while". However I'm back in the swing of things and will give a brief and colorful update....

Big kid rooms and beds, potty trained, 3 year old pre-school, obeying the first time, lizards, 3rd birthday party circus celebration, Auburn football, wagon rides, games, band aids, spelling our name, pig tails, big kid bikes with training wheels,memorizing bible verses, art, cheerleader uniforms, roasting marshmallow party, football jersey, opinion's, trips to Mobile, chocolate milk, big kid swings, gymnastics, first grade, reading, sleep overs, friends, first dentist visit, swimming on our own, cheerleading camp,crayons, paint, Manners, counting money, traveling, electronics, emotions, being a boy, choir, family, and most of all learning to be patient.

This does not cover half of the year however it paints a picture of our daily lives and what we strive for each day. These days my brain works in small short descriptions and I felt it very appropriate that a list would be fitting.....because frankly that's how I operate!

Happy New year!

Here's to a more updated 2012!